“LUKAFILM” filmography



2008 - Current production.

- ”Time Show” (11'00”) - executive production, order; Funline Animation Inc. Production go on.

-  "Szpieg" - Animation for TVN ( ~ 30' 00”)



-  ”Dooby, Dooby, Moooo” (11' 00”)  the book screening - order; Magikworld. Client: Weston Woods.

-  "Bird House" (1'00") - animation part of TV program - order; Magikworld

- "Psalm Kochania" (00'20") - animation for tele-disc Piotr Rubik

-  "Fast Monky" (3'40") - animation part  of tv program



- “How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food” (10'00”) the book screening - executive production, order; Magik Studio. Client: Scholastic Video Collection.

- ”Run Bunny” (2'00”) - Animation Test for the book screening  - order; Magikworld.

- “Gravity” (6'0”) - coo-production with Japanese producer. Prodaction break off.



- “Classical Baby” (8'00") - order; Magikworld. Client: HBO.

- ”Toot&Puddle” (1'00”)  Animation Test  - order; Magikworld. Client: National Geographic.

- “Wild About Books”  the book screening - order; Magikworld. Client: Weston Woods.

- “Brothers” (1'10”) a animation part of TV program Classical Baby - order; Magikworld. Client: HBO.

- “Where the Wild Things Are” (8;15) the book screening and game elements. - order; Magikworld. Client: Scholastic Video USA.

- “Audible” - animation elements - - order; Yahoo!



- “Art Face” (2'00”) animation part of TV program Classical Baby - order; Magikworld. Client: HBO.

- ”Pollock” (1'35”) animation part of TV program Classical Baby - order; Magikworld. Client: HBO.

- “How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon” (8'00”)  the book screening - order; Magikworld. Client: Weston Woods.

 - “CampuS” (0'30”) the advertisement for distributor of sport equipments - order; “Studio A”.

- “Duck For President (12'30”) the book screening - order; Magikworld. Client: Weston Woods.

- “Julius Cesear” (3'36”) the education movie. - order; Magikworld. Client: Terra Associates

- “The Easter Egg Adventure” (80'00”) the feature movie -  order; "Funline Animation  Inc" distributor: First Look Home Entertainment. Award; 2004 Spudfest Film Festival,    Jackson Hole Film Festival 2004. Official selection: Hollywood Film Festival 2004. 



- “Tantum Verde - Operetka” (0'30”) advertisement of Tantum Verde medicine - order; “Studio A”

- “Giggle, Giggle, Quack” (8'10”) the book screening. - order; Magikworld. Client: Weston Woods.



- “Uparty Renifer” (0'30”) advertisement for Inter Marche - order; Telewizji Polskiej SA.

- “Coś nie tak” (3'00”) tele-disc for  Shak'ing Dudi band - order and distribution: Universal  Music  Polska Sp.z.o.o. Distinction on VIII OFAF in Krakow.

- “Imagine” (1'50”) a part of TV program  Special Through A Child's Eyes. Music: John Lennon - order; Magikworld. Client: HBO Family. Award; Emmy 2003. Distinction; ASIFA-East   2003 - 34 Animation Festival.

- “Angel and Devil” (6'00”) set of  12 breaks  - own production.

- “The Teacher from the Black Lagoon” (9'00”)  the book screening - order; Magikworld. Client: Weston Woods.

- “The Best Friend”, “Puzzle”, “Under The Umbrella”, “Kiss Little Baby”, “A big Elephant” - (3'10”) Short movies for Sesame  Street - order; Magikworld. Client: CTW.

- “How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?” (6'30”)   the book screening - order; Magikworld. Client: Weston Woods Studios.



- “Tantum Verde” (0'30”) -  advertisement of Tantum Verde medicine - order; “Studio A”

- “Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type” (10'00”)  the book screening - order; Magikworld. Client: Weston Woods.

- “Christmas Song” (2'00”) a animation part of TV program HBO Special  T'WAS THE NIGHT - order; Magikworld. Client HBO Family. Award Emmy 2002.

- “Feliz Navidad” (1'00”) a animation  part of TV program HBO Special  T'WAS THE NIGHT. - order;    Magikworld. Client: HBO Family. Award; Emmy 2002. 

- “Parent Corps” (25'00”) the animation set of education movies  - order; Magikworld. Client: NYU

 Award; ASIFA 2001.

- “Pan Plamka i jego kot” (3'20”) the animation set  for theatre show - order; Teatr Rozrywki in    Chorzow.



- “T.J. and Friends” (22'00”)  three segments of series - order; Funline Animation Inc.

- “Rodzina Adaxów” (0'30”) advertisement of Adax komputers - order; RMF fm.

- “Nowe Miasto” (0'40”) advertisement new center of Krakow - order Tishman Speyer Properties.

- “Krakow2000” (0'30”) - animation title for TV program  - order; TVP- Krakow.



-  “Chicken Jane and the Fat Cat” (1'00”)  order; Ink Tank.

-  “Ram on the Pepper Patch” (2'00”) order; Ink Tank.

-  “Planowanie rodziny” animation set for education cassettes.

-  “Pandora Box” (6'00”) a part of series  Between The Lions - order; Magikworld. Client:  Between The Lions.

- “Something Called Sex” (22'00”) - a animation part of the education movie - order; Ink Tank.

- “The Hunt” (0'30”) new version of advertisement - order; FilmRec. Client; Eutelsat.

- “Spring Fever” (1'00”) the part of series LITTLE CURIOUS - order; Magikworld. Client: HBO Family.



- “Rolly Polly” (1'00”) the part of series LITTLE CURIOUS - order; Magikworld. Client: HBO    Family.

- “Swing” (1'00”) the part of series LITTLE CURIOUS - order; Magikworld. Client: HBO Family.

- “Under the Boardwalk” (1'22”)  the part of series LITTLE CURIOUS - order; Curious Pictures.    Client: HBO Family.

- “The Masked Doctor” (1'00”) order; Ink Tank. Client: HBO “Saturday Night Live”.

- “The Adventures of Zolo” (4'00”) order; Ink Tank. Client: HBO.

- ”How Nehemiah Got Free” (2'3”) Order; Ink Tank.

- “Ferrno” advertisement for Polish windows producer Ferno.



- “The Hunt”  advertisement for satellite TV - order; FilmRec. Client; Eutelsat.

- “Troubles the Cat” (4 x 5'00) four segments of series - order; Ink Tank, Client: Cartoon  Network.


June 1996

-  “Lukafilm” Studio Grafiki Aniowanej  established.